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Small Business Design Centre

Small Business Design Centre

Create & Conquer! We’re Your Design Partner.

As a leading Small Business Design Centre we focus on providing a premium in design and branding products, services and solutions for Small To Medium Enterprises in Australia. Our focus is to support our clients with the right marketing and design solutions for their products and services. We know our clients are short on time, budget and resources so our design and brand solutions are effective and simple. We’re About Brand Building. We’re Focused On Value. We Demand Performance.

What Should You Expect With COG Design, the Small Business Design Centre.

For the most part as a Sydney Small Business Design Centre we focus on sustainability in your investment.

As a Sydney Design Agency, our team is all located in Sydney. We’re at call during business hours and our Creative Director demands a high attention to detail, innovative thinking and good old fashioned hard work to be behind our clients artwork and brand design.

We’re unified in our focus which is primarily the value we offer our clients. We know when our clients have successful businesses and their brand is building – we are too. Our team understand that the added value we offer our clients as a leading Sydney design company is realised when we treat our clients with respect and understand their position.

We break down complex brand and marketing jargon into simple terms to ensure all stakeholders know where the efforts and investments are being made.

How Our Small Business Design Centre Achieves Success.

At COG Design, we have over 20 years experience working on brand designs for all sorts of businesses from a huge spectrum of industries. We’ve managed brands for just about all business types and sectors.

Essentially, managing your brand is a comprehensive effort of strategies operating simultaneously to achieve a common goal. The methodologies our Small Business Design Centre use bring brands to life. We instil best practise, processes and procedures that are in place to achieve brand design success.

Our Small Business Design Centre is focused on building brand equity and increasing brand value. From years of experience managing small to medium (SEM) sized businesses across Australia, we know that the most successful businesses are the ones that treat their brand assets and marketing seriously.

To achieve business growth and engage your customers to take action against your offers – take steps in nurturing a sustainable future for their business with COG Design solutions.

Our Focus Is To Ensure Australian Businesses Survive

We’re the Small Business Design Centre building Australian brands to be robust, sustainable and ensure they remain competitive.

The COG Design focus is to support our clients with valuable and truthful knowledge that assists their business remain healthy, competitive and strong during tough economic times. Our Sydney design team pursue this via the sophisticated use of branding and marekting combined with innovative and on trend graphic design. We’re all about providing the most appropriate solutions for small to medium sized Australian businesses. When we start solving our clients problems together – our partnerships prosper.

Our Sydney design agency is 100% Australian owned, operated and employees Australian residents who all work out of our Sydney location. We’re proud of this and celebrate this reality with our client partners who run similar Aussie businesses. We all get the best results when we each appreciate that we all work our hearts out to maintain a competitive and prosperous business.

Australian businesses are unique. We’re not tech titans from the United States, we’re not competing with a dominant currency and our Australian Business culture is only now slowly catching up in web and internet technologies now.

This realistic and truthful summation of the Australian internet landscape is import. Why? Simply because through our work with The Australian Government, and Deloitte (the worlds largest accounting firm), statistically SME’s (small to medium enterprises) account for over 90% of our nations business footprint. Here we have discovered that a large portion of Australian businesses are far behind the rest of the world in regards to technology, software, websites and digital marketing.

The COG Design products and services are specifically built around providing Australian Small to Medium sized businesses the most logical, appropriate and value for money services in design, branding and marketing solutions. Our Small Business Design Centre key skill is that we understand that each business is unique, has certain factors that determine it’s market position and that at some point the business owner has poured blood, sweat and tears into the company to ensure the business pays the rent, pays the team and staff and supports the Australian dream.

At our core we’re a Sydney design consultants and branding experts. At call during your business hours with a full team that are career professionals in Website DesignBrand DesignBrand RemasteringPackaging Design and Corporate Branding.

Our entire team is aware of the all important bottom line of our clients. Our juniors in our graphic designers are introduced to terms like EBIT and ROAS early on in their exposure to our clients businesses. None of us is as good as all of us, and knowledge flows freely through our Sydney brand design studio like a river. And via this our clients are introduced to common sense solutions, dynamic branding solutions and a commercial business acumen that ensures COG Design is a valuable business resource for all Australian companies.

Call Our Office For A Discussion On How We Can Ensure Your Business Survives!

COG Design Products have been created to make the transfer of creativity more simple for you.

We know businesses struggle to embrace technology, new design and marketing trends. Our approach has been refined over years of working with thousands of SME’s across Australia. Which is why as a leading Small Business Design Centre we’ve created a suite of design products for our clients to easily onboard, activate and generate real lasting business equity and growth.

Call today for a comprehensive overview of how COG Design can help your business.

Corporate Identity Suite

COG Design Corporate Identity is for brands and businesses that require a cost effective and dynamic approach to developing a new business and its identity, or fixing an old outdated one.

This design and print product delivers the concept artwork development and production design of the Corporate Identity Suite. From the detailed briefing we achieved together the concepts and finished art will deliver your business a first class Corporate Identity Suite. Design inspiration and creative themes will be on-trend, suit your business positioning and industry, your targeted audience and end users.

Our designs will utilise any marketing communications in function (designed by COG Design or provided by you the client), we will use an existing Style Guide (if one exists) to remain on brand and consistent with the existing creative direction and assets.

Corporate Stationery Suite

COG Design Corporate Stationery is for brands and businesses that require a cost effective and no nonsense approach to developing artwork for their business print marketing.

This design and print product delivers the concept artwork development and production design of the Corporate Stationery Suite. From the detailed briefing we achieved together the concepts and finished art will deliver your business a first class Corporate Stationery Suite. Design inspiration and creative themes will be on-trend, suit your business positioning, targeted customer, users and industry.

Our designs will utilise the Corporate Identity (designed by COG Design or provided by you the client), we will use an existing Style Guide (if one exists) to remain on brand and consistent with the existing creative direction and assets. We can deliver the printing and delivery of the Corporate Stationery Suite Standard if required.

Brand Logo Suite

A COG Design Brand Logo solution is for brands and businesses that require a cost effective and no nonsense approach to developing artwork for their brand.

This product delivers the concept artwork development and production design of the Brand Logo. From the detailed briefing we achieved together the concepts and finished art will deliver your brand and business a first class Brand Logo.

Design inspiration and creative themes will be on-trend, suit your brand positioning, products, targeted customer, users and industry. If directed by you the client or chosen by our team our designs will utilize any existing brand assets, Style Guide and Creative Direction assets if it will deliver any performance related advantage in the final product and to remain on brand and consistent with the existing brand as it stands today.

Brand Remastering

COG Design Brand Remastering solutions are for brands and businesses that require a rebranding solution to a tired, out dated and worn out company brand identity.

This rebranding product delivers the overhaul and update to key brand assets to a companies brand identity. From the detailed briefing we achieved together the solutions are to audit, review, update and manage your companies vital brand assets that have been left behind or mismanaged. COG Design Brand Remastering delivers your business a complete new rebranded suite of design assets that capture the orignal intent of the business offer at its inception – but with renewed vigour!

Brand Remastering solutions from COG Design will follow your brief and honour brand equity and exisiting brand elements that still function and perform for the broader business. If directed by you the client we can also include other relevant products such as Style Guide and Creative Direction projects to completely overhaul the brand with the COG Design Brand Remastering product.

Brand Direction

The COG Design Brand Direction performs as autonomous brand management for businesses and brands. Delivering as a strong marketing communications platform that assigns language and customer connecting positioning statements with the visual aesthetic of the brand itself.

The Brand Direction is an all encompassing foundation brand partner to the Corporate Identity. the Creative Direction works as a functional resource and whitepaper tool to support all business owners, brand and marketing managers in ensuring company and marketing communications remain consistent and on brand.

With a variety of marketing elements included in the Brand Direction, it strategically delivers multiple benefits and resources such as image collections and graphic iconography, key benefit statements and language, graphic design styles and themes, typography and font suites. Plus the all important longevity in creative asset management.

Brand Language and messaging will be strategically suited to your brand and business positioning, products, targeted customer, users and industry. The Brand Direction will consider any exisiting brand assets, Style Guides and Corporate Identity assets to ensure it delivers performance advantages in the final product and the output and collateral generated from it.

The development and production of the Brand Direction is achieved from the detailed briefing we achieve together, and or other COG Design and COG Strategy solutions include in the scope of work.

Creative Direction

The Creative Direction Standard performs as autonomous brand management for businesses and brands.

Delivering as a strong creative lead and support partner to the Corporate Identity, the Creative Direction works as a functional resource and white paper tool to support all business owners, brand and marketing managers in ensuring company and marketing communications remain consistent and on brand.

With a variety of creative and visual elements included in the Creative Direction, it supplies numerous uses and resources such as image collections, graphic iconography, graphic design styles, creative themes and storylines, typography and font suites. Plus the all important longevity in creative asset management.   

The development and production of the Creative Direction is achieved from the detailed briefing we achieve together, and other COG Design solutions you have engaged us for.

Design inspiration and creative direction will be on-trend, suit your brand and business positioning, products, targeted customer, users and industry. The Creative Direction will utilise any exisiting brand assets, Style Guide and Corporate Identity assets to ensure it delivers performance advantages in the final product and the output and collateral generated from it.

Style Guide

COG Design build style guides and assist our clients manage their brands by instilling best practise behaviours and brand handling autonomy.

The purpose of having a style guide for your brand and business is to insert a set of standards for the writing and design of marketing communications. A great style guide will provide uniformity in style and formatting across all marketing documents.

Our brand style guides are also known as brand guidelines, graphic standards manuals, brand identity guides. Whatever your choice of terminology COG Design knows the importance of a style guide, we also help key brand stakeholders internally manage the brand using the guide and coach our clients on some best practise behaviours that ensure autonomy is created within the team. This resource has been developed to assist staff in making the best use of the resources that have been developed.

UI ToolKit

COG Design build UI ToolKits and assist our clients manage their brands online by instilling best practise behaviours and brand handling autonomy.

The purpose of having a UI ToolKit for your brand and business online is to insert a set of standards for predominately website content and to dictate the CSS range of icons and navigation features that will bring life to your website.

A great UI ToolKit will provide uniformity, dynamism in style and formatting across all areas in your website to ensure the navigation and delivery of digital content is first class.

Our UI ToolKits are also known as CSS Style Sheets, and our web developers rely on these to determine how to graphically represent the digital functions of the website such as clicks and scroll indicators and behaviours. COG Design knows the importance of a UI ToolKit being delivered early on in the web design process. While our website designs include a range of designed elements that would naturally be included in CSS Style Sheets, a UI ToolKit is the next level of sophistication and consideration to website design via UX and UI focused design.

This resource has been developed to assist any website managers to use the UI ToolKit once the website is live and operational. It can be integrated during a new website project in the design phase, or it can be used to enhance an old website that needs to be overhauled.

Social Performer

COG Design develop Social Performer content solutions for brands and businesses that require a cost effective and no nonsense approach to managing their social media templates.

From the detailed briefing we achieved together the concepts and finished art will deliver your business a first class Social Performer Suite that can be used on social channels as templates or deploy-ready content. The Social Performer content stream will ensure your online brand assets and performance content is through-the-line consistent and performing as a cohesive digital touchpoint.

Design inspiration and creative themes will support existing company brand elements, remain on-trend, suit your business positioning, targeted customer, users and industry. The Social Performer product is suited to fast moving SME’s that are not resourced to strategically handle, create, refine and manage a professional suite of social media collateral on their own, and understand that brand consistency and a unified brand experience is a key element to the success of any digital marketing communication efforts the business deploys online into its market. COG Digital can deliver the Performance Marketing services if required.

Together We Will Succeed.

Our business has been structured to ensure we deliver value and the best service to Small to Medium sized businesses across Australia.

We know that together we can solve your business problems and create a more sustainable process for your business to market your products and services to your targeted audience. Our Partnerships are Built to Last. We Know Working Together Delivers Results. COG Design Can Deliver Real Business Growth For Your Business.

Leadership and Experience

COG Branding is led by Luke SullivanA dynamic Sydney-born professional with a diverse design and marketing career. Luke leads the Sydney design agency as a knowledgeable and dynamic captain at the helm. With professional experience across numerous industries, Lukes’ leadership at COG Design is brand aware and business considerate, which ensures that all brand and marketing briefs, big and small, are driven through to commercial success.

The benefit of having a Managing Director with professional hands-on-the-tools experience ensures the transfer of real working knowledge throughout the agency. It also offers the COG Design service offering great depth and an honest transparent value.

For myself, directing COG Design has brought truth to the statement ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life’. I have a passion for creative design and strategic thinking, these elements will always be at my core. My aim is to have COG Design Group remain as a respected brand resource for our clients today, and those of tomorrow. What I know to be true is that transforming the brands of our clients to success is a privilege, while it is also a thrill. Creating great business and new relationships is only a phone call away, so get in touch and build your brand with us!