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A corporate identity to launch a multi-national

Hydroflux approached COG Design with a simple brief – launch our engineering firm to the world.


Sounded like a simple brief, though if you’ve ever worked with engineers you’ll know that simple to an engineer is complex for everyone else. The task for COG Design was to develop a strategic and unified suite of visual marketing communication assets to launch the Hydroflux business into their global water management market. Via strategic print and digital communications this new Corporate Identity would define the new business identity but also create platform for the brands positioning.

The Hydroflux Group is comprised of numerous companies and many products, all which required a timeless corporate brand mark that pursues trust, intelligence and professionalism. The challenge for COG Design would be to forecast the business growth globally, product and service expansion and also quickly learn what the industry was all about.


  • Visual Marketing Communication
  • Website UI Design System
  • Brand Hierarchy
  • Design System
  • Brand Management Systems
  • Corporate Identity
  • Creative Direction
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Print and Digital Stationery
  • Signage and OOH Advertising
  • Marketing Collateral Templates

The solution

Our Sydney Design Agency delivered a comprehensive visual asset suite that enabled the Hydroflux group of companies to launch into a global market.

The brief allowed our design team to deliver against our service suite that included the below products:

  • Corporate Identity
  • Creative Direction
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Print and Digital Stationery
  • Signage and OOH Advertising
  • Marketing Collateral Templates

The results

Global growth and an autonomous brand still performing across all brand touch points today.

Hydroflux has grown to become a global brand from the initial launch of the brand in Sydney Australia. With this launch has come growth and the acquisitions of other businesses in the industry that have been brought in under the brand identity COG Design created.

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