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Customer Onboarding presentation document for Industry Access

COG Design is proud to deliver the Customer Onboarding presentation document for Industry Access.

Brand Design For Business

August 1, 2017

COG Design is proud to deliver the Customer Onboarding presentation document for Industry Access.

The brief was to deliver a presentation document that would assist the communication of the process and requirements for Industry Access new clients and how they need to onboard potential new customers, a wholesaler whitepaper tool.

Industry Access are all about aligning skilled professionals with the right company culture, sort of like a strategic dating game which gets employers together with employees.

At a high level the creative solution should perform by delivering against the immediate documents objectives, while also representing the broader creative direction and branding of Industry Access. Part of what COG Design are experts at is managing a businesses brand, and incorporating  the creative direction and cororpate theme to strategtically blend throughout all of the companies corporate communications.

To read more about COG Design Corporate Design services please visit here >

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