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Packaging Design for Small Business

COG Design provides packaging design for small business to make the product stand out, build brand recognition and improve functionality.

Packaging Design Solutions

May 10, 2023

What is Packaging Design?

Packaging design is the process of creating a design for the packaging of a product. It is a multidisciplinary field that involves the use of graphic design, branding, marketing, and ergonomics to create an attractive and functional design that effectively communicates the product’s benefits and differentiates it from its competitors.

The main objective of packaging design is to make a product stand out on a store shelf or online platform and make it more attractive to potential customers. A good packaging design should be functional and protect the product, be eye-catching and appealing, and also communicate important information like the product name, ingredients, instructions, and any relevant certifications or warnings.

Packaging design can include a variety of elements such as the shape, size, and materials of the packaging, as well as the graphics, typography, and imagery used on the packaging. It also encompasses the overall look and feel of the packaging, including the colour palette, layout, and hierarchy of information, and the use of textures, patterns, and images.

It’s important to keep in mind that packaging design is not only a visual aspect, it also involves environmental concerns, regulations, and functionality. This is why many companies hire specialised packaging designers, or design agencies that have expertise in packaging, to help them design a package that not only looks good but also is functional and compliant with regulations, and also respects environmental concerns.


How can a brand use Packaging Design to improve its product sales?

Packaging design can be used to improve a brand’s product sales in several ways:

  1. Make the product stand out: A well-designed packaging can make a product stand out on a store shelf or online platform, which can help to attract the attention of potential customers.
  2. Convey product information: Packaging design can be used to effectively communicate important information about the product, such as its name, ingredients, instructions, and any relevant certifications or warnings.
  3. Differentiate from competitors: A unique and well-designed packaging can help a brand to differentiate its product from its competitors, which can help to attract customers looking for something different.
  4. Create an emotional connection: Packaging design can be used to create an emotional connection with customers, by using imagery, colours, and typography that evokes certain feelings and values.
  5. Build brand recognition: Consistently using the same packaging design across all of a brand’s products can help to build brand recognition, making the product more easily identifiable and memorable.
  6. Communicate company’s values: A well-designed packaging can communicate the company’s values, mission, and vision to the audience, which can increase the connection and trust with the customers.
  7. Improve functionality and environmental concerns: Good packaging design takes into account not only visual aspects, but also environmental concerns and regulations. By addressing these aspects, it can improve the customer’s experience, while also being compliant and respectful to the environment.
  8. Encourage impulse purchases: An attractive packaging design can also influence customer’s purchasing decisions, encouraging impulse buying.

It’s important to keep in mind that packaging design is not a one-time effort, it is an ongoing process that should be reviewed and updated to keep up with the market trends, regulations and customer’s preferences. A good packaging design can be a powerful print marketing tool for differentiating a product and driving sales, but the design should align with the brand’s values and goals, to be effective.


Why should a small business get professional Packaging Design assistance?

A small business should get professional packaging design assistance for several reasons:

Professionalism: A professionally designed packaging can convey a sense of professionalism and credibility to potential customers and help the product to stand out on a store shelf or online platform.

Consistency: A professional packaging design can create a consistent image across all aspects of the business, which can help to establish trust and credibility with customers and clients.

Experience and expertise: Professional packaging designers, such as the ones at COG Design, have the skills, knowledge and experience to create a design that effectively represents the product and company, and also respects regulations and environmental concerns.

Cost-effective: Professional packaging design can help a small business to save time, resources, and money by not having to do it in-house, and also having a design that meets the expectations and standards.

Meeting Standards: A professional packaging designer will be familiar with the standards and best practices of packaging design, thus will be able to create a design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and able to meet the business’s goals and regulations.

Align with company’s values and goals: A professional packaging designer will work closely with the business, to understand the company’s values, target audience, and competition, thus creating a design that aligns with the company’s values and goals.

Create a strong visual identity: Professional packaging design can help to create a strong visual identity that can be a valuable asset for the business and increase brand awareness and drive sales.

In summary, a professionally designed packaging can be an effective way for small businesses to improve their product’s packaging, establish trust and credibility with customers, and build a strong and recognisable brand. By hiring a professional, the small business can ensure that its packaging is not only visually appealing but also functional. 


Are Packaging Designers expensive?

The cost of packaging design can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the scope of the project, the complexity of the design, the experience and expertise of the designer or design agency, and the materials and technologies used. Additionally, the location can also play a role in the cost, as some regions may have higher costs of living or doing business.

A simple packaging design package, which could include just a logo design, or a simple design for a single type of packaging for a product, may be relatively affordable. While a more comprehensive package, which could include multiple types of packaging, full brand strategy, multiple rounds of revisions and different material and technology options can be more expensive.

It’s also worth noting that the cost of materials and production can also add to the overall cost of the packaging design project. Some businesses might opt for more sustainable or eco-friendly materials, which can be more expensive. Other businesses might opt for a more advanced technology, like digital printing, which can also add to the cost of the project.

In general, packaging design can range from a few hundred dollars for a simple design, to several thousands for a comprehensive package that includes multiple types of packaging, branding strategy and materials/technology options. It’s important for small businesses to have a clear understanding of their budget and goals before starting a packaging design project, and also to have a transparent discussion with the designer or the agency, to see if they can give you the best cost-benefit solution.


Should a company use a freelance Packaging designer or a Packaging design agency?

The decision of whether to use a freelance packaging designer or a packaging design agency depends on a company’s specific needs and goals. Here are a few factors to consider when making this decision:

  1. Complexity of the project: If the project is relatively simple, such as a logo design, a freelance packaging designer may be sufficient. However, if the project requires a comprehensive branding strategy, packaging design for multiple types of products, and materials or technology options, a packaging design agency may be more suitable.
  2. Resources: A packaging design agency typically has a larger team of professionals with a wide range of skills and expertise, which means they can handle larger, more complex projects and also have more resources at their disposal.
  3. Experience and expertise: A packaging design agency typically has a team of experienced professionals who have worked on a variety of packaging design projects for different clients. They also have a good understanding of industry standards and best practices, including regulations and sustainability concerns. On the other hand, a freelance packaging designer may have a more specialised expertise and experience in one area.
  4. Communication and coordination: Working with a packaging design agency means there is usually a dedicated project manager who coordinates the work of the team and communicates with the client. This can be beneficial for larger projects, where multiple stakeholders are involved. With a freelance packaging designer, communication and coordination is typically done directly with the designer, which may not be as efficient in large and complex projects.
  5. Cost: In general, working with a freelance packaging designer can be less expensive than working with a packaging design agency. However, the cost can vary depending on the designer’s experience and expertise, and the scope and complexity of the project.
  6. Future assistance and Support: A packaging design agency can offer ongoing support and maintenance, which can be beneficial for a long-term business strategy, whereas a freelance packaging designer may only provide the initial design, leaving the company without support for further developments.


What type products can benefit from Packaging Design?

Packaging design can be beneficial for a wide variety of products, including:

  1. Consumer goods: Packaging design can be used to improve the appeal and sales of consumer goods such as food, drinks, beauty products, household items, and more.
  2. Industrial products: Packaging design can be used to create functional and effective packaging for industrial products such as machinery, equipment, and tools.
  3. Pharmaceuticals and Medical devices: Packaging design can be used to create packaging that not only looks good but also meets the standards and regulations in this sector, ensuring the safety and efficacy of the product.
  4. Luxury goods: Packaging design can be used to enhance the appeal and exclusivity of luxury goods such as perfumes, jewellery, watches, and other high-end items.
  5. Technology products: Packaging design can be used to create packaging that appeals to a tech-savvy audience and differentiates the product from its competitors.
  6. Books and publications: Packaging design can be used to create eye-catching and memorable covers that help to increase sales and readership.
  7. Clothing and Accessories: Packaging design can be used to create packaging that reflects the aesthetic and values of the brand, that not only will make the product stand out on the store shelf, but also convey the right message.
  8. eCommerce: Packaging design can be used to create an experience for the customer, even when they purchase products online, by creating an attractive and memorable unboxing experience.

Ultimately, any product can benefit from well-designed packaging, as it can help to increase appeal and sales, build brand recognition, and differentiate the product from its competitors. Packaging design can be a powerful tool for communicating a product’s unique value proposition, and enhance the overall brand experience.


What sort of company provides Packaging Design services?

Packaging design services can be provided by a variety of companies, including:

  1. Freelance packaging designers: These professionals work independently and may have a broad range of skills and experience in packaging design.
  2. In-house packaging designers: Some companies have in-house packaging designers, usually part of the marketing or design department, they focus on creating and maintaining a consistent packaging design across all the company’s products.
  3. Design agencies: These organisations employ teams of designers who work on a variety of projects for different clients. Design agencies may specialise in certain areas, such as packaging design, branding, advertising, or graphic design.
  4. Packaging design agencies: These agencies specialise in creating and implementing packaging design strategies, and have expertise in the field of packaging. They understand the industry standards, regulations and environmental concerns related to packaging.
  5. Branding agencies: Branding agencies may also provide packaging design services, as part of a larger branding strategy. They approach the project with a holistic view, aligning the packaging design with the overall branding strategy, message, and target audience.
  6. Marketing agencies: These agencies may also provide packaging design services, as part of a larger marketing campaign. They approach the project from a more strategic point of view, looking into the whole picture of the business and goals, and how packaging design fits into it.

Ultimately, the company providing packaging design services will depend on the specific needs of the project and the desired outcome. It’s important for small businesses to do their research and find a company with the right skills, experience, and style to fit the project. Also, it’s important to consider the company’s approach, whether it’s more focused on design, strategy or a mix of both, since that can affect the outcome of the project.

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