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Brand Identity for Surfwear Fashion label Sunwave

Our Sydney design agency is proud to deliver a Brand Identity for the surfwear fashion label, Sunwave.

Brand Design For Business

June 30, 2017

Our Sydney design agency is proud to deliver a Brand Identity for the surfwear fashion label, Sunwave.

Our Cronulla design agency was approached by the fashion house The White Room to develop a new brand identity for a surfwear brand, primarily for Lowes Menswear.

The White Room requested that COG Design produce the logotype and brand identity for their new ranges of surfwear that would be sold throughout the discount department stores of Lowes. COG Design also delivered the creative direction, strategy and graphic design for Sunwave and its launch into their fast fashion market.

In summary the Brand Identity creative solution needed to represent the surf lifestyle nature of the proposed brand and its products, which would primarily be boardshorts. COG Design are experts at creating logos for all different types of brands, and as our graphic artists have professional experience in apparel and fashion design our approached to creating the Sunwave brand logo was based off experience. COG Design deliver our icon and logo development solutions which often include font selections, colour suites and marketing collateral.

The Brand Identity project consisted of Logo and Icon development, Logotype and font development, plus delivery of the colour suite across both print and digital channels.

To read more about COG Design Brand Design services please visit here >

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