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Corporate Identity for the Scandinavian company Evo Arc

The COG Design agency is proud to deliver a Corporate Identity for Scandinavian Company Evo Arc.

Corporate Design Agency Solutions

January 5, 2017

The COG Design agency is proud to deliver a Corporate Identity for the Scandinavian focused company Evo Arc.

Our Sydney branding agency was approached by the composite materials business Evo Arc. Located in Stockholm Sweden, the brief took place remotely, and was delivered remotely.

Evo Arc requested that COG Design produce the logotype and Corporate Identity for the new business. COG Design also delivered the creative direction, strategy and graphic design for Evo Arc and its launch into the Scandinavian market.

In summary the Corporate Identity creative solution needed to represent the dynamism of composite materials and the ability and versatility of the Evo Arcs system and business offer. To achieve this differentiation COG Design truly needed to understand the key points of difference of Evo Arc and its competitors, and also the key benefits of their product lines and methodologies.

The Corporate Identity project consisted of Logo and Icon development, Logotype and font development, plus delivery of the colour suite across both print and digital channels. Corporate Identity focuses on delivering design assets that perform. These are the company brandmark made up of a logotype, icon, typography suite and colour palette. These digital assets together create the cohesive corporate brand suite that is the Corporate Identity Design,

To read more about COG Design Corporate Identity services please visit here >

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