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Cronulla Chamber Of Commerce

COG Design is proud to deliver numerous design projects for Cronulla Chamber Of Commerce.

Brand Design For Business

April 4, 2016

COG Design is proud to deliver numerous design projects for Cronulla Chamber Of Commerce.

A key brief was to deliver a creative direction for the Cronulla Chamber Of Commerce and their 90th birthday celebration sponsored by Jaguar.  This celebration involved many key business people of the Sutherland Shire and the Cronulla area.

At a high level the creative solution should perform to celebrate business and commerce of the Cronulla shopping district, and also celebrate the success that is a destination location for the celebration of life by the seaside.

Part of what COG Design is passionate about is ensuring our creative solutions deliver our immediate local business partners and friends better design which increases the quality of communications for our local area in which we live.

COG Design continues to support the Cronulla Chamber Of Commerce with creative solutions, graphic design, content design and brand development.

Please visit the Cronulla Chamber Of Commerce website here >

To read more about COG Design Corporate Design services please visit here >





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