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Logo Design

COG Design is the Sydney Creative Company for logo design, icon development & creative device design for product, brand & business.

Our Sydney Design Agency offers Free Quotes on all Logo design projects and briefs. Contact COG Design Creative Company today

COG Design are experts at delivering the logos you need, mostly our studio is approached to create a corporate company logo, a commercial brandmark or a business logotype.

COG Design deliver our icon and logo development solutions which often include typeface selections, colour suites and marketing collateral. There are a few design approaches COG Design uses when designing brand logos and company logotypes. Sometimes we collaborate with COG Strategy when the logo is going to be a serious development project, and other times we simply let our Sydney graphic designers get stuck in and deliver a broad range of first concepts.

Our graphic artists deliver premium icons and logos, we make trophy pieces for brands and creative assets for communication. Our clients have used our logos and icon devices across many various industries such as banking and finance, restaurants and bars, agriculture and farming, law and accounting, automotive, retail, fast fashion, industrial waste water, consumer goods, industrial supplies, pharmaceutical, action sports, construction and building, real estate and property development, health and nutrition, digital and computing plus many more.

Our logos and icon designs are a mix of designer individual flair, we listen to our client briefs and understand the commercial objective. Our design solutions are bespoke and authentic while delivering a commercial result.

COG Design is a branding agency located in Cronulla, Sydney. We deliver logos, logotypes, icons and devices that serve a purpose, remain functional and communicate a key message.

We research a forever changing global design community to ensure all the work we deliver is at the pointy end of design. Below are some statistics that will reveal how the bigger brands treat their logo identity.

The world’s top 50 brands hold the views below:

  • The name does not describe the product sold (94%) (ie. in most cases a logo is used to identify a company, not describe what it does.)
  • The by-line tag is not included in the logo (90%)
  • The font style is clean and clear (84%)
  • The logo design uses one colour only (74%) (white & black not counted as a colour)
  • The logo design uses letters only without the symbol (74%)
  • The logo design is a made-up name or ACRONYM (72%)
  • The logo design is rectangular in shape (66%)
  • The logo design is one word only (62%)
  • The logo design includes the trademark symbol (54%) and is placed in the top right (48%)
  • The name is 6 letters or less (52%)
  • The name uses upper & lower case (44%) (excluding ACRONYMS)
  • The background is filled and solid. (52%)
  • The pronunciation includes three sounds/syllables (44%)
    • The predominant colour base is blue (40%)

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