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Rebranding Design

COG Design are rebranding experts. We reignite the relationship your customers should have with your business. Our Sydney Design Studio have rebranded worn out and beaten up brands, elevating them back into the spotlight.

64% of people cite shared values as the main reason they have a relationship with a brand. To successfully Rebrand your business contact COG Design Sydney Design Studio

Rebranding is a process, COG Design follows a strategic path to Project Success which we know works. Its been proven. We make sure we keep what has equity and leave behind what has little value.

Via considered and systematic audits of key business units our rebranding services leave no stone unturned in the assessment of existing brand assets, touch points and activities. We know when to keep what is valuable and discard what will be a hinderance to future brand performance.

We provide companies that have gone through a merger or acquisition and need to reconcile a portfolio or enter a new market with a rebranding service.

Our approach is to change the way people perceive the brand.

Our processes include

  • Identifying the New Brand Promise
  • Getting Employees On Board
  • Making sure all stakeholders understand that slapping a new logo on a letterhead is not a rebrand.

One important rebrand rule for any company is to get employees to embrace the new essence of the brand, and then put the weight on what the brand is going to become, not the fact that it needs to change.

A brand is a promise delivered, and when rebranding we rethink of what has been promised in the past and what brand elements are emotional that should be reflected in the new design elements. We rebrand to reconnect brand to business.

COG Design is a Sydney Design Studio that has rebranded corporate identities for domestic and international businesses and brands in numerous industries such as materials manufacturing, retail, fast fashion, fast food, real estate and property development, consumer goods, action sports brands, finance and professional services plus many more to numerous to mention.

Our rebranding solutions are strategic and encompass the broader brand elements with extend far beyond just the logo and icon. COG Design solutions are to brief and deliver solutions at the business level as well as aesthetics and emotive. We collaborate with all types of businesses, and work best when our clients projects require a more considered strategic rebrand.

The COG Design approach to branding is astute, clever and creative, our studio delivers rebranded design identities that bring life back into business.

Below are some statistics that provide good reasons on why you should rebrand.

  1. Color increases brand recognition by up to 80%.
  2. 63% of consumers say they have engaged with disappointing brand content and 23% said they wouldn’t read that brand’s content again after that.
  3. There are 2.1 million negative social mentions about brands every single day.
  4. 48% of consumers said that the most critical time to gain their loyalty is when they make their first purchase or begin service.
  5. 45% of a brand’s image can be attributed to what it says and how it says it

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