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Magazine Advertising Design

We know you need a professional print designer to create advertising for magazines and publications.

It needs to be affordable, well designed, meet the advertising specs and perform. Plus, you’d like us to take care of getting it to the publisher. COG Design is an experienced reliable and Sydney design agency.

The COG Design Agency in Sydney has produced magazine advertising design for hundreds of brands.

Magazine Advertising is an integral part of the marketing landscape. Magazine print ads are still benchmarks in design.

COG Design pride ourselves on the strength of our print advertising design record. Let our Sydney graphic designers help your business win through premium advertising.

A key strength of our graphic design team is our magazine advertising design skills and experience.

Most magazine advertisements utilise a previously established brand identity design guide or brand creative direction to structure the design foundation of the advertisement. Pending the key objectives of the advertisement itself, the communication will use key photography and a strong call to action to drive the conversion of the advertisement.

We are a first class Sydney design and branding agency, and our graphic designers consider the whole brand to business connection process when designing for magazine advertisements. Understanding the publication audit and circulation, the target audience and brand position on the newsstand against its competition plus knowing placement and editorial content of the issue.

We are an experienced Sydney Design Agency and have successfully grown businesses across all sectors and industries through smart, innovative graphic design and dynamic thinking towards our advertising concepts. Our communication with clients is exceptional and our customer service is clean. The goal of our brand managers is to ensure our clients understand what their magazine advertisement needs to achieve and what sort of takeaway is expected from the target audience.

We like to partner with large and medium sized enterprise businesses right through to small start ups and sole traders. Our graphic designers and advertising are focused on designing to meet our clients briefs, and their specific business requirements. Our senior graphic designers pride themselves on the strength of their advertising design skills, and enjoy sharing their publishing knowledge with new and existing clients.

How Our Advertising Agency Works

Small to Medium Business Experts Ready To Serve.

Our advertising agency is special because we have the team and resources to offer small to medium sized enterprises (SME’s) at-call ongoing business hours support. Hour by hour, day by day and year on year.

The COG Design service suite is structured into clear print, design, digital and strategy disciplines, and these skills are made instantly available to your team by using a range of unique desktop and mobile softwares that enable communication to flow freely and efficiently between your team and our team.

As a leading stationery design agency our use of technology and digital virtual tools allows us to structure dynamic relationships with our clients can that be located anywhere in the world. COG Design operate in a global economy and we are aware that our services need to be at call 24/7, delivering support and solutions.

Our focus is long term relationships. Simply because when our team of graphic designers and brand managers dedicate themselves to your brand and business for months at a time our knowledge and experience grows, compounds and turns us into experts on your industry with an intimate understanding of what is required to achieve success.

The longer our design experts work inside your brand and business – the more knowledge we gather. With our brand agency services include brand research and brand management it means what we learn is transformed into actionable design strategies for your business to assist its performance in your market. We help you win!

The COG Design team are passionate about all the brands we are entrusted with and intimately understand that our clients are relying on us to work hard to succeed at every opportunity. It may start with just a stationery project though it is a brand touchpoint and needs to be nurtured nonetheless.When our clients brands grow, so do we.

Think of the COG Design as a cog your businesses engine. You set our team spinning and they will deliver the full service brand design solutions.

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