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Futsal Soccer Apparel Designs

COG Design delivered game day Futsal Soccer Apparel to the 5 Star Futsal brand.


October 2, 2016

COG Design delivered game day Futsal Soccer Apparel to the 5 Star Futsal brand.

The brief was to deliver a series of apparel lines to represent the 5 a side futsal soccer sport, for discount department stores throughout Australia.

Our Sydney design studio produced the designs and apparel selling boards that are used to present to department store buyers in which then select the most appropriate styles for their season, then they place their indent orders. This project included apparel, bags, satchels and headwear.
These boards also got used in presenting to all the local teams in the Futsal competition to enable each team the opportunity to have their own game day strips and merchandise, and also advertise their sponsors on their jerseys and apparel.


COG Design produces artwork for many licensed brands and product lines like Futsal Soccer.


To read more about COG Brand Design services please visit here >




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