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Logo Rebranding and Company Identity Evolution

COG Design are rebranding experts. We repair and evolve logos and corporate identity that has been kicked around and beaten up.   Rebranding is a process, and we follow a strategic path to Project Success which we know works. Its been proven. We make sure we keep what has equity and leave behind what has […]

Brand Design For Business

June 2, 2016

COG Design are rebranding experts. We repair and evolve logos and corporate identity that has been kicked around and beaten up.


Rebranding is a process, and we follow a strategic path to Project Success which we know works. Its been proven. We make sure we keep what has equity and leave behind what has little value.

Above are 50 company identities that have evolved over time. To give you an idea, even the biggest companies and brand goes through change, and its a serious job, much is considered, many office wars are had, a rebrand is vital to brand longevity, though it isn’t a walk in the park.

Our rebranding solutions are strategic and encompass the broader brand elements with extend far beyond just the logo and icon. COG Design solutions are to brief and deliver solutions at the business level as well as aesthetics and emotive. We collaborate with COG Strategy, when our clients projects require a more considered strategic rebrand.

The COG Design approach to branding is astute, clever and creative, our studio delivers rebranded design identities that bring life back into business.

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If you would like more information about our Rebranding Design Services call us today on
(+61 2) 9523 6007

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