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Top 100 Brands According to Millennials

The annual list of the top 100 brands adored by Millennials and again Apple is number 1. (A millennial is defined as 16 to 36-year-old. Yep, you’re old 🙂

Brand Design For Business

September 2, 2016

The annual list of the top 100 brands adored by Millennials and again Apple is number 1.

A millennial is defined as 16 to 36-year-old. Yep, you’re old 🙂

Can 1,500 millennials be wrong? Asked to select their three favourite brands completely unaided…. The participants are Americanos so the results have are perhaps skewed. Though it’s ace news for brands that may have typically struggled or failed to capture the imagination of the Gen Ys. Target shot into second place and Coke bubbled into fifth place.

The Top 100 Brands According to Millennials list was dominated by tech firms and retailers…. obviously. It continues to prove that millenials simply will buy buy buy and continue to have their screenager ways glued to their little thumbs banging sideways and upwards in the search for digital stimulus.

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