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Luke Sullivan

Luke Sullivan is a brand marketing expert that specialises in a small business. Active as the COG Branding Managing, you can reach Luke Sullivan on his LinkedIn profile.

Luke Sullivan's Posts


Child Care Centre Branding. Design Studio Sydney that connects brand to business for child care centres

Imagine walking down a bustling Sydney street, past trendy cafes and chic boutiques, and then…BAM! A brick building adorned with a faded rainbow and a hand-painted sign that screams “Rainbow Rockets Childcare!” Inside, the walls are plastered with mismatched animal posters, the toys resemble relics from the 80s, and the overall vibe is…well, “early learning” on a shoestring budget.


2021 Design Trends

As 2020 comes to an end, we are hopeful for what 2021 will bring. A lot of things are uncertain, but one thing is for sure: great design will continue! We’ve done our research for the 2021 design trends and here are five that stood out the most.